The 2nd World Congress Against the Death Penalty will be held in Montreal on October 6-9, 2004. It is being organised by ECPM and PRI
Abolishing the Death Penalty is Your Business !
From October 6-9, 2004, Montreal will be the world capital of human rights and a point of convergence for all citizens committed to the universal abolition of the death penalty. Whether you are a citizen, student, teacher, artist, lawyer, magistrate, elected official, or journalist, come join us to say NO to the death penalty in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Cuba and everywhere it affects men and women.
Because there is no justice in killing, Because we can fight crime more effectively without capital punishment, Because judicial error is always possible, Because the globalization of human rights is underway,
We urge you to come to Montreal to join the struggle for universal abolition of the death penalty!
From Strasbourg to Montreal 2004
The 1st World Congress Against the Death Penalty took place in Strasbourg (France) in June 2001. At the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, parliamentary presidents, lawyers, leading NGOs and citizens from around the world demanded “a halt to all executions on the road toward universal abolition”.
Objectives of Montreal 2004
The universal abolition of the death penalty becomes an increasingly attainable goal with every passing year : each year additional countries abolish it (including, since 2001, Chile and Turkey); there was an international outcry when the governments of Lebanon and Chad resumed executions in 2003; international law prohibits the death penalty (International Criminal Court, the Arusha Tribunal and the Hague Tribunal).
Montreal 2004 plans to reinforce the movement:
- To sensitise international public opinion and invite citizens everywhere to say NO to the death penalty.
- To convince Canada, France, Mexico, Brazil and other countries to ratify the Protocol 2 of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which outlaws the death penalty.
- To encourage additional countries, such as Kazakhstan, Mali and Senegal, to eliminate the death penalty from their respective penal codes.
- In abolitionist countries, to prohibit the extradition of individuals and to accept refugees who could be condemned to death in their countries of origin.
10:45 - 12:30 Minors and the death penalty (with Amnesty International)
Juvenile offenders
President: Ms. Béatrice Vaugrante, President, AISCF, Canada
Rapporteur: Ms. Magali de Lambert, AISCF, Canada
• Ms. Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn, Directeur of the Program To Abolish Death Penalty, United States
• Mr. Olivier Delas, Professor at l’Université du Québec at Montréal, Canada
• Mr. Bill Pelke, President of Journey of Hope, United States
• Mr. Eric Prokosch, Death Penalty Coordinator, AI, England
• Dr. Cécile Rousseau, Psychiatrist, Canada
Many juveniles are still sentenced to the death penalty, notably in the United States, China, Yemen, Iran, Congo and in Saudi Arabia. However, many international treaties prohibit this practice, in particular the International Convention for the Rights of the Child, which has been ratified by every country, to the exception of the United States and Somalia. Can juveniles be targeted when most agree that they have yet to complete their emotional, intellectual and physical development? Participants in this roundtable will explore these issues and discuss Amnesty International’s recently launched campaign against the juvenile death penalty.
Location : Place des Arts
Moderated by : Béatrice Vaugrante
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